HOME > Program Catalog > Drama > KIINA
DramaAnimationFormatsEntertainmentNews and DocumentaryFeature Films
9 eps.
#1&9 approx. 75min., #2-8 approx. 60min.
Miho Kanno,Yuta Hiraoka,Muga Tsukaji,Eiko Koike,Ikki Sawamura

An amazing mystery about an extraordinary female police investigator who, specializes in "supernatural crimes" (crimes that are usually impossible to scientifically explain).

Kiina Haruse (Miho Kanno) is a soft-spoken 29-year-old woman who wears girly clothes and a friendly smile. She is the only person working in "Beppan," a special unit at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Once a crime involving relationships or family matters draws her attention, nothing can get in her way. With her exceptional focus and unique and feminine points of view, she solves mysteries in an instant.

Elite freshman Takeru Yamazaki (Yuta Hiraoka) ends up joining the unit and working with Kiina. Along with crime lab official and Kiina's ex-boyfriend Shinichiro Kudo (Muga Tsukaji) as well as her boss Kazuma Miyabi (Ikki Sawamura), they tackle strange cases.

One of the biggest attractions of this show is that each of these bizarre crimes are based on actual events that have been introduced in popular Japanese TV shows such as "Far East Research Co. Ltd." or the long-running "The! Sekai Gyoten News" (world's astonishing news). Wonders and horrors explained by the latest scientific and technical knowledge come to life in this stylish and thrilling original drama series.