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Dining ★ Al Fresco
Entertainment HD
13+ episodes

Traveling all over Japan in search of famous delicacies and ingredients, Daisuke Miyagawa and his guests roll up their sleeves and experience what it’s like to be a local food producer. They need to meet the high standards of their mentors, who can be quite particular and nitpicky. At times their work can also be physically grueling. It’s all well worth the effort though as they get to enjoy truly delicious meals while learning about the blessings and beauty of nature.



  • Tuna farming in Takashima, Nagasaki Prefecture!

Watch them jump in the pen and try to catch tuna!


  • Salt-making in the southern island of Ishigaki!

See them enjoy all the salt they want from the beautiful ocean!


  • Togekurigani, a type of horsehair crab, is indispensable when viewing cherry blossoms in Aomori!

Dishes prepared with its sweet meat and rich innards are exquisite! We’ll also show you other Aomori specialties: apple miso and apple butter!


  • With its supreme flavor, the helmeted guineafowl of Iwate Prefecture is known as the queen of poultry.

We’ll feature delightful recipes that use its chewy meat, as well as its innards and bones!


  • Special edition featuring block agar from Chino, Nagano Prefecture! We’ll investigate why block agar is so wonderful! It’s an extravaganza of block agar dishes that are sure to surprise you!


Ocean delights and mountain delights from all over Japan, available only at the source. These foodies scour the entire country in search of mouth-watering flavors! Laugh with them as they embark on their fun-filled adventures!