

日本テレビ放送網株式会社(以下日本テレビ、代表取締役 社長執行役員:久保伸太郎、本社:東京都港区)は 株式会社エヌ・ティ・ティ・ドコモ(以下 NTTドコモ、社長:中村維夫、本社:東京都千代田区)と、地上波デジタルテレビ携帯・移動体向けサービス「ワンセグ」におけるテレビ番組と携帯電話サービスとを連携させたコンテンツやサービス等を共同で検討することを中心とした業務提携について、本日合意いたしました。







  • (1)日本テレビの提供するワンセグサービスにおけるデータ放送と、NTTドコモの提供する「iモード」の連動など、放送と通信が連携したサービスの開発。
  • (2)今後想定されるワンセグサービスにおける通信と放送を連携した新しいサービスの検討。
  • (3)日本テレビの提供するコンテンツと、NTTドコモの既存サービス(Vライブ、iモーション)等との連携。
  • (4)日本テレビの提供するイベント事業等における、NTTドコモの「おサイフケータイ」の活用。


「有限責任事業組合 D.N.ドリームパートナーズ」
100億円(日本テレビ 50億円、NTTドコモ 50億円)


総合計画室 総合広報部

○「有限責任事業組合 D.N.ドリームパートナーズ」のビジネススキームイメージ図


TOKYO, JAPAN, February 9, 2006 --- NTV announced today that it has agreed with NTT DoCoMo, Inc. to form a strategic alliance for connected service between TV broadcasting and mobile services, and to establish a LLP jointly.

NIPPON TELEVISION NETWORK CORPORATION (NTV, headquartered at Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan: Representative Director & President Mr. Shintaro KUBO) and NTT DOCOMO, INC. (NTT DoCoMo, headquartered at Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan: President & CEO Mr. Masao NAKAMURA) have reached an agreement to form a strategic alliance mainly for joint study to connect the datacasting service on the Mobile DTT broadcasting (called 1-SEG service) and the existing mobile services. Based on the agreement, both parties also agreed to establish a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) for content development.

Many discussions and various studies have been made between the parties about the possible connection between TV broadcasting, like 1-SEG service which is scheduled to launch on April 1st, 2006, and mobile services.

Under such rapidly changing circumstances, NTV and NTT DoCoMo share a common thought that it would be necessary to create new types of content by connecting TV broadcasting and telecommunication, to provide more attractive services to customers and to form a strong partnership by utilizing each party’s competence.

The details of the alliance and the LLP are as follows:

1. Joint study of connected services between TV broadcasting and mobile services (like 1-SEG service)

  1. (1)Development of connected services between TV broadcasting and mobile services, such as the connection between the datacasting service on the 1-SEG platform and the existing mobile services, like i-mode as the world's most popular mobile Internet service.
  2. (2)Joint study of new services for the upcoming 1-SEG service.
  3. (3)Connection between TV content of NTV and the existing mobile services of NTT DoCoMo, such as V-Live, i-Motion, etc.
  4. (4)Application of the “Mobile Wallet” phone (handset utilized for financial transactions) by NTT DoCoMo in the various events to be sponsored by NTV.

2. Establishment of the LLP

  1. (1) LLP Name: D.N. Dream Partners LLP
  2. (2) Business: Development, investment and production of rich content, including TV programs, for connected service with the mobile phone.
  3. (3) Total capital: J\ 10 billion. (NTV 50%: NTT DoCoMo 50%)
  4. (4) Date of establishment: April 3, 2006 (tentative)
  5. (5) Period of LLP: 7 (seven) years from its establishment

The LLP will further study and develop specific content.

For more information, please contact:
NTV Public Relations, Comprehensive Planning


Business Planning Flow Chart of the LLP