HOME > Program Catalog > News and Documentary > A TASTE FOR AJI
DramaAnimationFormatsEntertainmentNews and DocumentaryFeature Films
News and Documentary
26 min., 40 sec.
English & Japane se tracks
Japanese Culture

In Japan, the humble horse mackerel or "aji" receives star attention. That's because aji are reasonably priced, readily available, nutritional, and easy to cook. Although the total amount of fish consumed in Japaneach year continues to steadily increase, fish is no longer the main source of protein for Japanese, as it was 30 years ago. The younger generation prefer meat. With its versatility, however, aji is seen by the fishing industry as the savior to reverse this trend. This program looks at the people around Japanwho are particular about this popular fish, from catching and slicing it through to using it in gourmet cuisine. Even in the modern world of fast food, their dedication is helping to revive a taste for aji.