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News and Documentary
13 episodes, 27 min. each
English & Japanese tracks

Here is a peek at the fascinating world of toddlers...as seen literally from their height. Parents have given permission for their children to be recorded secretly while running errands alone for the first time. Disguised as local, production staff stay close by to ensure the children's safety. The program has attracted considerable attention for both its unassuming cast of stars (al l under 6-years old) and its creative filming techniques. It reveals not only children's candid behavior, but also their strong sense of accomplishment gained from thinking and acting independently. The original series won the Japanese Galaxy Award for best television production.

Part 1: What should be a 20-minute errand becomes anepic adventure for a 3-year old and his younger sister, who finally return home - three hours later. Then, a 5-year old girl must take her 3-year old brotheron a shoppingtrip that involves both a ferry and a tram. She handles the transportation with much competence, but has a more difficult time when faced with a problem in human relations...

Part 2: Two brothers who have been sent out to buy stew mix and mayonnaise accomplish their task with minimal difficulty compared to two 3-year olds who, in the process of looking for croquettes, become distracted by the sights and sounds of the city. 5-year old Mayu, however, takes a delivery to her uncle and still makes it back to music school in time for her own performance.

Part 3: The first of three "chal lengers" stoically braves older kids (and wet pants) on his way to buy ingredients for dinner. The second proudly hauls home a huge catch of fish that gradually decreases in weight thanks to a hole in the bag. Last, a reluctant brother quickly learns leadership skills while supervising his younger sisters on a two -hour quest for a school bag and buns.

Part 4: First we meet Kenta, who returns home with the right items but the wrong amounts. 4-year old Shingo must cope with a ferry ride and a very homesick younger sister. And then there is Yoshie, age 5, whose sudden bolt leaves behind al l but one member of the camera crew.

Part 5: Two rather confused kids simply don't realize that their repeated requests for apples and parsley are futile since the greengrocer's 94-year old mother truly cannot hear them. Then, a forgetful 5-year old is asked to buy creamfor grandma's back. Little does granny know, however, that she is about to receive ointment for hemorrhoids instead...

Part 6: 3-year old Ryota loses his way in a maze of shops, but manages to arrive home just before his father sets out in a festival procession with the delivered item. Then, 4-year old Hideki, who is bound for a rural hospital to see his mother, must call a taxi by himself and direct the some what skeptical driver.

Part 7: In order to deliver helmets to his father, a five-year old boy must ride a train and a bus, while at the same time deal with a chronic case of falling trousers and a two-year old sister who desperately needs to relieve herself. Then we meet two three-year old girls from different families, sent out together by their collaborating mothers to buy diapers at the supermarket. Diversions lead to bickering, extra purchases , sore hands, and even a few tears, but determination--and exhaustion--serve to help the tiny rivals forge ahead with the job.

Part 8: Three-year old Mana must go shopping at the local market for her parents' restaurant. Then there is Kohei, a fouryear old boy who braves the struggle up a ski slope to deliver gloves to his sister. Finally there is four-year old Masaki, who, in the process of buying dumplings for his grandmother, figh ts back t ears as he trudges home in a rainstorm.

Part 9: After a brief explanation of filming techniques, we travel to a local festival to meet three-year old Yukie, who dodges "demons" while trying to bring home eggs. We also meet Marin, a five-year old girl who, in the process of buying fish and floppy disks, must ride a train and attend to her very sleepy younger brother.

Part 10: The first "chal lenger" is Kazuki who, on the way to pick up something for his mother, cannot resist the temptations of a toyshop. The second is Mayu, who success fully buys a large pan and even finds time for a snack. Finally there is Keiichiro, whose parents send him off to say farewell to two friends before the family moves away.

Part 11: Not-yet three-year old Noriko must deliver swimming trunks to her elder brother at the kindergarten. Then there is Azumi, who with 3 friends travels mountain roads to visit a sick schoolmate. Finally we meet Chiaki and her younger brother Yuki, who can barely get home the large purchases bought during their first shopping expedition.