HOME > Program Catalog > News and Documentary > LOBSTERS & PRAWNS GALORE
DramaAnimationFormatsEntertainmentNews and DocumentaryFeature Films
News and Documentary
26 min., 5 sec.
English & Japanese tracks
Gourmet & Travel

This program is likely to have you clawing with hunger. Since 1973, the Japanese have been the greatest consumers of lobsters and prawns on the globe. Yet 90% of the crustaceans consumed in Japanhave to be importedfrom more than 50 countries.We travel to several of them to view different methods of cultivating and fishing lobsters and prawns, and tempt your taste buds with mouth-watering ways of preparing and consuming them. One of our stops is Ise, Japan, where for years women divers have fished for lobsters in the freezingwaters of the Pacific...without air tanks. We also visit a plant in Thailand to watch the meticulous packing of black tiger prawns, produced exclusively for the Japanese market. Later it is back to Ise to see a local professor's successful efforts to cultivate the famed Ise lobster. By appealing to humankind's love for food, this ligh t documentary is bound to be a real catch.