HOME > Program Catalog > Formats > TRUTH OR DOUBT
Game Show

Try to tell the difference between fact and fiction as famous TV personalities test their acting skills.


Can you determine fact from fiction?
Can you see through someone's superb acting skills to detect a blatant lie?

Play along with NTV's compelling card game-style program with four celebrities as you listen to shocking, never-beforeheard confessions. Closely watch their facial expressions, hand gestures, eye movements and read between the lines of their stories to separate wildly fabricated lies from true-to-life revelations. As players take turns confessing stories while trying to get rid of their cards, place your bet on which contestant will fool them all to win the game!

Sample Confessions:
*A young female TV personality proudly confesses her favorite food is insects.
*A male actor shares a detailed description of performing surgery on his brother.
*A female model confesses leaving in the middle of a live TV broadcast to go see her boyfriend.
*A male comedian discloses receiving an invitation from Michael Jackson.
*A female TV personality shyly admits she has a foot odor fetish.

Where does reality end and fantasy begin? Listen to these confessions and determine Truth or Doubt!