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We Know Better Than Our Government
Political-entertainment Show
Territories handled by Nippon TV
World Wide

Reform your country through a TV show!

We proudly introduce you to this unique political variety show that had been broadcast as NTV’s prime time hit. Any ideas that could improve your country are debated at the studio (Parliament), and if a consensus is reached, those ideas are taken to a real-life government official or politician to help reform your country.

How would you feel if these bills were passed in your country?

*All legislators need to take achievement tests
*The day your country's team plays in the FIFA World Cup will be a national holiday
*The first 100 politicians confessing their hidden scandals will be given immunity
In this imaginary Parliament, the "Prime Minister" played by a comedian and 20 "Legislators" comprised of people of diverse professions, such as politicians, professors, lawyers, celebrities, comedians and others, debate over a bill which is proposed by a member of this Parliament.
After deliberations, it's time to vote.
Each member votes either for or against the proposed bill.
If the bill passes this Parliament, it will be taken to a real-life politician to be considered for a real bill!
Of course, the viewers will have a say in the bills proposed by sending in their votes and comments through faxes and emails, providing the show with a forum where voices of the people are heard.
"We Know Better Than Our Government" features hard-core political issues to everyday problems the nation faces in a comedic way, creating a true political-entertainment show!