HOME > Program Catalog > News and Documentary > WHITE GOLD
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News and Documentary
28 min.
English & Japanese tracks

Considered a potent promoter of longevity for thousands of years, bird's-nest is often called "white gold." Indeed, at over $5,000 per kilo, the nickname is no exaggeration. Our camera crew gains permission to shoot the nests being collected inside island caves off the coast of Thailand. Protected by armed guards, the caves are closed to all but the gatherers, whose livelihood depends entirely on the silky, sticky nests that the birds construct with remarkable speed and precision. At the heart of the operation is one man, who, after 50 years of picking nests, is both technical master and spiritual leader. For six months he and the other collectors-all family members-navigate the walls of dark, slippery caves, gently prying off the nests with candle-lit bamboo rods. The program is an extremely rare, first-time chance to view the "gold" both being spun and collected.