Based on the manga "HOTARU NO HIKARI IT'S ONLY LITTLE LIGHT IN MY LIFE" by Satoru Hiura originally serialized in the Kiss magazine published by KODANSHA LTD.
Some Japanese women marry late in life, if they marry at all. One reason for delaying the trip to the altar is a reluctance to venture out from their comfortable nest to share life with someone else. Hotaru Amemiya (Haruka Ayase), the heroine of this romantic comedy, must decide whether to take the plunge into marriage after her roommate and boss Takano (Naohito Fujiki) pops the big question.
The drama picks up three years after where the first 2007 storyline left off. Back then, Hotaru put on the façade of being an active working woman by day, but turned into the ultimate homebody at night who lounged around in sweat pants drinking beer, eating dried fish and gazing at the fireflies in her garden. Hotaru's life got complicated when she allowed some men into her life. She eventually ended up with Takano, although she regarded him somewhat like a big brother.
Is Hotaru ready to take up the challenge and answer Takano's proposal? The drama captures the tentative feelings of many young Japanese women.