Based on the manga "HOTARU NO HIKARI IT'S ONLY LITTLE LIGHT IN MY LIFE" by Satoru Hiura originally serialized in the Kiss magazine published by KODANSHA LTD.
It is said that many working women in their twenties are clandestinely, sloppy and lazy homebodies. At work, they put on a facade of living it up in glitz and glamour, but at home, they live as ultimate sexless slobs! Hotaru Amemiya (Haruka Ayase), who works in the interior design industry in Tokyo, is truly one such homebody. She would rather sleep than date and loves to dilly-dally at home, clad in a stained T-shirt and sweat pants, drinking beer while scratching her behind. But her comfy homebody life is threatened when one day, her boss, Takano (Naohito Fujiki), moves into her house out of the blue. Then, at work, an up-and-coming young designer, Makoto Teshima (Kazuki Kato) returns from London, and Hotaru's life takes a new turn. She falls in love! How will the homebody girl respond to Makoto's bold move? Will she remember how to be feminine again?