Based on the manga "Soten Koro (Beyond the Heavens)"
by I Hagin and King Gonta originally serialized in
the Weekly Morning Magazine published by KODANSHA LTD.
© I Hagin and King Gonta / KODANSHA LTD. All Rights Reserved.
a bold adaptation of the worldwide-known Chinese history book "Three Kingdom Saga"
This animation series is based on the hit comic "Beyond the Heavens" (Japanese title "Soten Koro"), which was serialized in the weekly magazine "Morning" published by Kodansha from 1994 to 2005 and has sold over 12 million comic books in Japan.
Centered around the warlord Cao Cao, "Beyond the Heavens" is a bold adaptation of the worldwide-known Chinese history book "Three Kingdom Saga." Cao Cao was said to be a brilliant ruler and military genius, but is often portrayed as a merciless villain. His belief in his own lifestyle is outrageous but he is full of a special kind of radiance possessed only by the ones who are loved by the Heavens.
This animation series depicts China as it was 2000 years ago on a magnificent scale, using dynamic computer graphics and more to recreate war scenes that can't be missed.