Based on the manga “Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo 20th Anniversary series” by Seimaru Amagi / Fumiya Sato originally serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” by KODANSHA. LTD.
© Seimaru Amagi / Fumiya Sato / KODANSHA LTD.
Hong Kong--HAJIME (Ryosuke Yamada), the grandson of the prestigious Kindaichi Detective and his childhood friend, MIYUKI (Haruna Kawaguchi) arrive in Hong Kong so Miyuki can participate in a fashion show as a fill-in for Yang Ran, a model gone missing. While the friends are sightseeing, Miyuki is suddenly abducted. Hajime soon finds out that Yang and Miyuki are exact lookalikes and that Yang has a tattoo, signifying the location of the "Kowloon Treasure"--rumored to be worth billions of money and guarded by a man known as the "Kowloon Emperor". Was Miyuki mistakenly kidnapped instead of Yang? In his search to rescue Miyuki, Hajime is drawn into a string of murders connected to the treasure which has been lost for two decades.... What is the truth behind the mysterious treasure and will Hajime be able to save Miyuki...alive?
Set and filmed in Asia's cosmopolis, Hong Kong, this special drama stars an international and multitalented cast from all corners of Asia. Japanese talent, Ryosuke Yamada of Hey! Say! JUMP will play Hajime Kindaichi as he will be joined by Asia's top celebrities starring Wu Chun, a Bruneian and former member of Taiwan's pop group Fahrenheit, and V.I from South Korea's super dance vocal group BIGBANG. Additionally, prominent actors such as the ever enchanting Taiwan's beautiful Vivian Hsu and one of Hong Kong's most talented Eric Tsang have also been casted on this grand project. And for the first time ever, Seimaru Amagi, the mastermind of the original manga series will write the teleplay.
This new The Files of Young Kindaichi is a piece of entertainment suitable worldwide and one that will leave the viewer completely breathless!