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Ebizo Ichikawa Reinvents the Kabuki World
News and Documentary HD NEW
approx. 150 minutes
Japanese culture

The program contains exclusive coverage of Ebizo Ichikawa XI, a scion of one of Japan's most prestigious kabuki families, including his personal life with his family over 5 years. Through Ebizo’s attempt to develop the future of Kabuki, the program communicates the allure of Kabuki.

"Kabuki" is a famous traditional Japanese performing art.

Ebizo Ichikawa XI, a scion of one of Japan's most prestigious kabuki families which dates back 400 years, has large sharp eyes, a masculine appearance, and strong voice. Kabuki actors use makeup to paint different masks on their faces depending on the role, and yet no matter what the role, Ebizo stands out on stage. His Kabuki ability is great, and a charismatic aura appears around whatever role he plays. His spirit-filled performances produce a larger-than-life atmosphere. Ebizo epitomizes Kabuki's fundamental dynamics and represents the future of Kabuki.

However, Ebizo is facing a crisis. "Kabuki is traditional performing art and only the elderly bother watching it." If this continues for another 20 years or so, Kabuki will become extinct.

Therefore, by creating Kabuki for a new generation while inheriting past traditions, Ebizo is trying to attract new fans, and at the same time, transmit Kabuki to the world as a flag bearer of the "Cool Japan" movement.

The program contains exclusive coverage of his personal side including time with his family over 5 years. Through Ebizo's attempt to develop the future of Kabuki, the program communicates the allure of Kabuki.