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The One(s) I Loved
Biography / Love
Territories handled by Nippon TV

With whom you fall in love says everything about you. Glimpse into your favorite celebrity’s love life and see them for who they really are as you hear stories of past relationships and meet their past love(s)!

With whom you fall in love says everything about you.

Glimpse into your favorite celebrity's love life and see them for who they really are as you hear stories of past relationships and meet their past love(s)!

A guest celebrity, who has no idea which, if any, of his/her past loves have been invited to the studio, sits on a chair that moves along the floor and stops in front of a curtain in Love Chronology. Hold your breath as the curtain rises! Will the guest's past love be standing there? Or will there be a letter, video or phone call instead? Or will it just be a findings report?

It's one thing to know that a past love could be invited to the studio and another to meet them when you're totally off-guard. In the second segment of this show, First Love Surprise, a celebrity walks into a café, sits down for a fake interview and has no clue that his/her first love is sitting at a nearby table. How long will it take for the celebrity to notice? Watch the celebrity's outrageous reaction as they realize who's been sitting so close!

If the past love shows up and cobwebs on memories are cleared away, will it become a heated "he said, she said" situation as discrepancies in stories arise? What long-hidden secrets, feelings and confessions will be revealed? Embarrassing? A little. Heartwarming? Maybe. Entertaining? Most definitely.

Rediscover your favorite celebrities from an all-new perspective in this love-bio, "The One(s) I Loved!"