HOME > Program Catalog > Feature Films > Chihayafuru Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
DramaAnimationFormatsEntertainmentNews and DocumentaryFeature Films
Chihayafuru Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Feature Films
Running time
111 min / 102 min / 128 min
Screen Size
Japanese Theatrical Release
Part 1 - March 19th, 2016
Part 2 - April 29th, 2016
Part 3 - March 17th, 2018
Suzu Hirose,Shuhei Nomura,Mackenyu,Mone Kamishiraishi,Yuma Yamoto,Yuki Morinaga,Hiroya Shimizu,Mayu Matsuoka,Miyuki Matsuda,Jun Kunimura
Original Story: “Chihayafuru” by Yuki Suetsugu (published by KODANSHA LTD.)
Director & Screenplay: Nori Koizumi


Chihaya and her friends pour their passion, love and dreams into "competitive karuta." (karuta: traditional Japanese playing cards)
This emotional and poignant story will bring tears to your eyes.
Suzu Hirose will debut in her first leading movie role as the heroine, Chihaya Ayase. Hirose has become the most sought after teen actress since her appearance in the hit films "Our Little Sister" and "The Boy and The Beast." Taichi Mashima will be played by the popular Shuhei Nomura of the film "Flying Colors." Nori Koizumi of "The Liar and His Lover" will direct the film, rounding out the dynamic cast and staff!


Chihaya, Taichi and Arata are childhood friends, bound by their passion for "competitive karuta." They part ways after graduating from elementary school, but Chihaya continues to play the game that Arata taught her, in the hopes of one day showing him how strong a player she has become. Chihaya and Taichi are reunited in high school, and together, they form the "Competitive Karuta Club" to train and compete in the national championship. "If we make it to the Nationals, we may see Arata again!" Despite knowing how Chihaya feels about Arata, Taichi joins the club...
The heartfelt emotions and passions of Chihaya, Taichi, Arata and the members of the Mizusawa High School Competitive Karuta Club are coming to you on the big screen.



本作集结了目前最热门的制作团队&演员!!主人公・綾瀬千早的扮演者是首次担任电影主演的広瀬すず。她曾在电影『海街Diary』『怪物之子』等影片中都有出色的表演,可以说是10几岁年轻演员中的代表。真島太一的扮演者是电影『垫底辣妹』的电视剧「恋仲」中受到瞩目的野村周平。綿谷新的扮演者是总可以带来人气作品的被称为 "最強眼镜男子"真剣佑。千早的宿命强敌若宮詩暢是由年轻实力派女演员・松岡茉優扮演的。『她爱上我的谎』的导演小泉徳宏导演担任本次作品的导演。

