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Dangerous Cops: Final 5 Days
Feature Films
Running time
118 min
Screen Size
Japanese Theatrical Release
January 30th, 2016
Hiroshi Tachi,Kyohei Shibata,Atsuko Asano,Toru Nakamura,Nana Kinomi,Nenji Kobayashi,Koji Kikkawa
Producer: Masatake Kondo
Screenplay: Hiroshi Kashiwabara
Sound: Tsuyoshi Murozono
Editing: Shinya Tadano
Music: Jun Abe
Directed by Toru Murakawa

First aired in 1986, the Dangerous Cops series became a social phenomenon over its 30-year broadcast history, with 77 episodes and a peak viewership of 26%. Additionally, six wildly successful theatrical features in the legendary franchise have garnered a total of over six million admissions, and $80 million in box office revenues. Now, after a ten-year wait, Dangerous Cops: Final 5 Days arrives as the latest and final installment! Dangerous Cops is the film world's first ever series of seven police action movies to feature the same cast!

The end has finally arrived. Just days before their retirement, Taka (Hiroshi Tachi) and Yuji (Kyohei Shibata) trail the remnants of the Ginsei criminal syndicate they once smashed, leading to an underground black market dealing in designer drugs, stimulants and guns. With no backup, Taka and Yuji unleash their brand of unbridled mayhem! They're confronted by the ever-expanding power that violently holds sway over the world's black markets - the Latian American mafia. Is Yokohama turning into a crime capital?! The battleground is set as Taka and Yuji lay their lives on the line to face their fiercest enemy yet.


作为神奈川县横滨港警察署搜查课的传奇搭档,资深刑警鹰山敏树和大下勇次联手解决了无数大案要案,并且合力摧毁了穷凶极恶的犯罪组织银星会。而今眼看到了回历之年,这两位老将终于可以解甲归田,安享清福了。离退休还有五天时间,阿鹰和勇次各自畅想着美好的晚年,尤其是阿鹰,他已经规划好要带着最爱的女友滨边夏海前往夏日的海滨畅游度假。 搜查课课长町田透最担心的就是这最后几天出现什么状况,无奈他的担心变成了事实,这两个躁动的老家伙又身不由己卷入了犯罪的洪流之中。

银星会虽然土崩瓦解,但是作为余党的伊能丈治转投新兴的黑社会组织斗龙会,并继续从事不法勾当。彻底剿灭银星会是阿鹰和勇次刑警生涯的最后目标。他俩全力追捕伊能,结果在紧要关头神秘的摩托男突然出现,令伊能逃之夭夭。 不久之后,伊能的尸体被人发现。他的死彻底破坏了横滨地区各个黑社会势力的平衡,日本本土的斗龙会以及来自俄罗斯、中国的黑手党皆蠢蠢欲动,一场黑道大火并一触即发。千钧一发时刻,自称商业人士的日裔京一·加西亚现身阿鹰他们的面前。加西亚衣冠楚楚,其真实身份是中南美洲犯罪集团BOB的干部。BOB意图将实力扩张到日本,作为先锋的加西亚策划杀害了中国黑手党以及斗龙会的主要干部,并试图将斗龙会变为BOB的傀儡。
