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DramaAnimationFormatsEntertainmentNews and DocumentaryFeature Films
Rudolf the Black Cat
Feature Films
Running time
89 min
Screen Size
Japanese Theatrical Release
August 6th, 2016
Mao Inoue,Ryohei Suzuki,Akio Ohtsuka,Nana Mizuki,Yuka Terasaki,Rio Sasaki,Naoto Yashima,Arata Furuta
Original Story: “Rudolf to Ippaiattena” “Rudolf Tomodachi Hitoridachi”
(Story by Hiroshi Saito Illustrated by Hanmo Sugiura / Published by Kodansha Ltd.)
Directed by Kunihiko Yuyama, Motonori Sakakibara
Screenplay by Yoichi Kato Music by Naoki Sato
Planning & Production: Nippon Television
Production Companies: Sprite Animation Studios / OLM / OLM Digitals

Humans don't know our secret.


It is based on a long-selling children's novel, first published in 1987. Parts of the novels are included in elementary school textbooks, and the books are offered at libraries. Feature film is produced by production company OLM (Pocket Monsters, Inazuma Eleven) and SPRITE/OLM Digital (PAC-MAN ). The tag of Director Kunihiko Yuyama (Pocket Monsters) and screenplay by Yoichi Kato (Yokai-watch) will bring a spectacular and adventurous 3DCG animated feature film in this summer.


Rudolf, a black cat, is suddenly separated from his beloved master.

He unexpectedly wakes up in a long-distance truck that takes him to metropolis Tokyo.

There, he meets Ippai-attena, a big boss cat feared by everyone in town.
Unable to return home, Rudolf starts a life as a stray with Ippai-attena.
But Ippai-attena isn't all that he seems to be -



这部电影的原著(斉藤洋著)来自同名系列人气儿童文学作品,初版于1987年,累计发行部数达到100万部,是可以让大人也心动的超人气儿童文学。这个跨越时代一直感动着每个人的野猫的故事,终于以三维3D动画大电影的形式出现在我们面前。「剧场版 口袋妖怪」的导演湯山邦彦和「PAC-MAN」的导演榊原幹典强强联手,加上「电影 妖怪手表」的编剧加藤陽一,日本的三维3D动漫界最高峰的创作者们,把猫的一根一根的毛都融入灵魂,呈现出了这部以往从未有过的动画大电影。

