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Psychic Kusuo
Feature Films
Running time
97 min
Screen Size
Japanese Theatrical Release
October 21st, 2017
Kento Yamazaki,Kanna Hashimoto,Hirofumi Arai,Ryo Yoshizawa,Hideyuki Kasahara,Kento Kaku,Murotsuyoshi,Jiro Sato
Written and Directed by Yuichi Fukuda

All I want is to lead a normal life. But underneath lurks unimaginable psychic powers... It’s the start of the annual cultural festival that brings a disastrous whirlwind of love and friendship! An extravaganza that will crack you up and blow you away!

A super popular manga series which has sold a total of over 5 million copies and is currently in publication on Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, is set to be adapted to the big screen! Yuichi Fukuda, of "GINTAMA" and "The Brave 'YOSHIHIKO' And Great Satan's Castle" series, leads a star-studded cast led by Kento Yamazaki, who was convinced by Fukuda himself to partake in the project.

Kusuo Saiki is a high school student who was born with unimaginable psychic powers. However, Kusuo only hopes to be able to lead a normal life without special powers.
Contrary to his hopes, his classmates are all troublemakers! To get out of all the trouble his classmates cause, Kusuo reluctantly uses his powers in a way others won't notice.
Around comes the big day of the year -the annual cultural school festival. If something happens, the festival will be discontinued from the following year, but his eccentric classmates won't leave him alone! Kusuo is bombarded with disastrous situations, and he is forced to use his psychic powers to solve them! But with so many other students surrounding him, his situation only worsens...
Before he knows, a mere cultural festival turns into crisis that could end the world! Will Kusuo Saiki be able to manage to overcome this unprecedented crisis!?



生来就具有无法想象般超能力的高中生・齐木楠雄,憧憬着无需使用超能力的普通生活。但是,齐木的愿望没能达成,同班的小伙伴们总是给他造成各种麻烦! 被卷入麻烦中的齐木没有办法,只能偷偷的用超能力来回避危机。

