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Bad Girl―Glass Ceiling Crushers―
Drama HD
10 Eps
Original broadcast
April, 2022
60 min
Comedy, Romance
Mio Imada,Noriko Eguchi,Nobuyuki Suzuki

Just when it seemed like a certain calmness was returning as 2022 dawned and COVID-19 settled down, society’s views on what the new normal should be started to change drastically, bringing about a huge turning point to working styles.

Work-life balance, side job, online meetings… in today’s world of drastically-changing workstyles, an incredibly cheerful but incapable new employee is borne! Meet Marilyn Tanaka. She is assigned to a redundant department where a peculiar employee, Ms. Minegishi, becomes her senior. “Don’t you want to climb the ladder?” she tempts Marilyn.

 Sure, Marilyn is lousy at the job, but nothing gets her down. As she gets involved with the workplace problems of the idiosyncratic colleagues she encounters in various departments, she begins to race up the corporate ladder, powered by her positive spirit and Ms. Minegishi’s low-key devious methods for success.

 Why is Marilyn so headstrong and hardworking? Well, she wants to be closer to a senior, with whom she fell in love at first sight. ♡ Plus, Ms. Minegishi has reasons to make sure Marilyn succeeds. Toiling under suffocating conditions is for noobs, you say? Guess what, giving your job everything you’ve got is actually cool! Don’t miss this romance career drama that is sure to make working in Japan a blast!