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Patient Chart Prayer
Drama HD
Original broadcast
October, 2022
60 min
Drama, Mystery
Yuta Tamamori,Elaiza Ikeda,Yuma Yamoto,Yasuko Matsuyuki,Kippei Shiina

Resident Doctor Ryota Suwano gently gets to the bottom of patients’ secrets through their medical records in this heartwarming mystery.

Medical records contain everything about a patient. Do you have what it takes to unravel the mysteries hidden in medical records?

Resident Doctor Suwano is still a newbie without much knowledge and skills, but no one surpasses him when it comes to being generous to patients with his time and doing everything he can for them. What’s more, he has an amazing ability to look at someone and know how well they are feeling.


As Doctor Suwano rotates into a new department every episode, he meets seniors with idiosyncratic personalities.

Under their tutelage, he and his colleagues grow through friendly competition. Patients, with all their baggage and issues, are cared for earnestly and

emotional mysteries are unraveled.


Heal the heart to heal disease. Through laughter and tears, the unknown is brought to light!

Follow Doctor Suwano in this story where hospital drama meets mystery!