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Drama HD NEW
Original broadcast
January, 2025
60 min
Romance, Drama
Haruna Kawaguchi,Hokuto Matsumura

Love lawsuits lead to lawyers in love.

Protagonist Sena is a lawyer who handles a multitude of romance troubles. Her past trauma and daily exposure to relationship problems has made her a realist who believes falling in love yields low ROI and low time performance. Suddenly, a new lawyer named Yu shows up. He is an idealist who believes in love and devotion—the polar opposite of Sena. Lo and behold, they have to buddy up at work to tackle a slew of romance troubles, from a woman whose fiancé suddenly ran away, to a husband who discovers that his wife cheated on him a decade ago. 
“We’re dealing with a real romance, so don’t bring your dreamy idealist views here!” When Sena and Yu butt heads with their differing opinions, they go all-out and drag the entire courtroom into their drama. Yet somehow, they manage to solve the problems with the best possible outcomes. As they fight one court battle after another, they begin to see eye-to-eye and grow closer to each other. But Sena’s trauma and ex-boyfriend, as well as their respective families, at times get in the way like a wall that divides their romance.