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Renewal of Countermeasures to Large-Scale Acquisitions of Nippon Television Shares(Takeover Defense Measures)

Nippon Television Network Corporation (the "Company") renewed the effective period of the plan for countermeasures to large-scale acquisitions of the shares in the Company (takeover defense measures) at the 74th ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on June 28, 2007 until the conclusion of the 75th ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company scheduled to be held on June 27, 2008 (the "Shareholders Meeting"). The Company then, as a result of further considerations in light of circumstances such as the amendments to laws and ordinances and recent precedents, decided at its board of directors meeting held on May [15], 2008 to renew its plan for countermeasures to large-scale acquisitions of the shares in the Company with necessary amendments (takeover defense measures) (the renewed plan is referred to in this press release as the "Plan") as a measure (Article 127, Item (ii)(b) of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Companies Act) to prevent decisions on the Company's financial and business policies from being controlled by persons viewed as inappropriate under the basic policy regarding the persons who control decisions on the Company's financial and business policies (defined in the main clause of Article 127 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Companies Act; the "Basic Policy"). The renewal will be subject to shareholder approval at the Shareholders Meeting.


Renewal of Countermeasures.pdf(137KB/36page)

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