HOME > Press Releases > Scientific Experiment Edutainment "Ultimate Brain" Remade in Britain and China!

Scientific Experiment Edutainment "Ultimate Brain"
Remade in Britain and China!

Nippon Television Network Corporation (Nippon TV) proudly announces that "Ultimate Brain", our scientific experiment edutainment program, has been remade in Britain and China. The British version began airing on July 26th and the Chinese version will start broadcasting on August 3rd. Since the original broadcast in Japan (October to December 2011, Wednesdays, 00:55 AM to 1:25 AM), we at Nippon TV have sought to deliver the format to the world. This marks the first time that "Ultimate Brain" is localized and broadcast abroad. We as a company will continue to build upon this momentum and actively pursue further format sales and localizations of "Ultimate Brain" in North America, Southeast Asia, and other regions.

British Remake Broadcast Details

Title: Ultimate Brain
Schedule: Starting July 26, 2014, Saturdays at 9 AM for 30 minutes. 10 episodes.
Broadcaster: CBBC (The BBC's children's channel)
Children and CBBC celebrities go head to head against one another in a series of science-based tasks and conundrums in pursuit of the "Ultimate Brain".

Chinese Remake Broadcast Details

Title: 終極大脳 (Jong Zhi Da Nau)
Schedule: Starting August 3, 2014, Sundays at 6:30 PM for 1 hour. 13 episodes.
Broadcaster: Beijing Television channel KAKU Children's Satellite TV, which covers over 600 million people.
Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation channel Jiangsu Kids, which covers over 100 million people.
A famous host of children's channels serves as the MC, with kids from Beijing's prestigious elementary schools taking a shot at the quiz. Comedians who are popular with children take on the scientific experiments, which are re-created accurately from the Japanese original.

Studio of the Chinese remake

Consultation by Japanese staff


Nippon Television Network Corporation
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