
IAEA checks on marine monitoring

A Team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency is getting involved in seawater monitoring activities near...

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Fukushima Update #08

Radiation levels sampled from seawater and marine life in the ocean surrounding Fukushima still show elevated radiation ...

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Rats move into evacuated town

The town of Naraha near Fukushima Daiichi is set to be resettled, but squatters may prevent the residents from returning...

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TEPCO is back in the black

In the meantime, TEPCO is posting its first profit since the 2011 nuclear disaster.

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Japan may foot decontamination bill

Japan’s taxpayers got more bad news this week as TEPCO asked the government to help pay for decontamination around the F...

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Motegi frowns on TEPCO bankruptcy

Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Toshimitsu Motegi is saying that Tokyo Electric Power Company declaring bankruptcy ...

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Nuclear regulator questions TEPCO CEO

The head of Japan’s nuclear watchdog met with the president of Tokyo Electric Power Company for the first time over cont...

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Fukushima Update #07

Our special report focuses on the challenge posed by heavy rainfall at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. For months, engi...

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IAEA reports on decontamination

A team of radiation experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency has submitted a report on decontamination effort...

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Spent fuel to be removed next month

Tokyo Electric Power Company is preparing to take an important step in the decommissioning of the crippled reactors at F...

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