Fukushima Update #49 Evacuation planning: Islanders risk being left behind

Residents on a small island within the evacuation perimeter of the Sendai nuclear plant in Kagoshima Prefecture speak ab...

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Evacuation planning: Islanders risk being left behind

Residents on a small island within the evacuation perimeter of the Sendai nuclear plant in Kagoshima Prefecture speak ab...

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Workers sue Tepco over risk pay

A group of workers involved in operations at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are suing Tokyo Electric Power Company ...

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Fukushima accepts waste facility

Authorities in Fukushima Prefecture have approved the construction of a massive facility to store radioactive waste gene...

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Pacific bluefin tuna catch to be cut in half

Pacific nations agree to slash bluefin tuna catches in half to allow stocks to recover.

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Baby tapir debuts at Tama Zoo

Newborn Malayan tapir is shown to the public.

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Yoyogi Park shut by dengue fever

The Tokyo government closes a favorite downtown park due to the ongoing outbreak of dengue fever.

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Japan’s ‘once in 30 years’ summer a sign of things to come

Weather officials warn Japan’s extreme summer was the result of climate change, and say more is on the way.

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New Abe cabinet features five women

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's first cabinet reshuffle since taking office includes 5 female ministers, in line wi...

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Dengue fever strikes Tokyo’s Yoyogi Park

Government officials and scientists work to stem an outbreak of dengue fever centered on a downtown Tokyo park.

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