Defense Ministry seeks expanded budget

Japan's Defense Ministry seeks new funds to buy US weapons, citing a territorial dispute with China.

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Astronaut Wakata gets a homecoming parade

Hometown Saitama fetes astronaut Koichi Wakata, Japan's first commander of the International Space Station.

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Japanese becomes world's oldest man

111-year-old Sakari Momoi has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest man.

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Deadly landslides in Hiroshima

A series of landslides triggered by heavy rains hit a residential area of Hiroshima, killing at least 32 people and ...

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Narita to downtown Tokyo, by wheelchair

Sports Vice Minister Yoshitaka Sakurada rides from Narita airport to downtown Tokyo by wheelchair to demonstrate Tok...

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Ogasawaras at risk of tsunami: scientists

Scientists say an active volcano in the Ogasawa Islands could trigger a deadly tsunami.

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Protestors oppose launch of drilling off Camp Schwab

Protestors oppose the start of drilling off US Camp Schwab in preparation for the move of US Futenma Air Station in ...

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Softbank unveils nearly frameless phone

SoftBank unveils a nearly frameless smartphone for the US and Japanese markets.

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Abe opts not to visit Yasukuni

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe skips visiting Yasukuni Shrine on the 69th anniversary of the end of WWII, but sends an of...

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Japan marks end of WWII

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Imperial Couple attend a ceremony in Tokyo commemorating the end of WWII.

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