More Japanese want to reinterpret pacifist constitution

 Japanese people increasingly favor reinterpreting the nation’s constitution to give its military freer reign to aid all...

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Cormorant fishing—an ancient art’s new lease on life

A dying Japanese tradition is getting a second chance.Viewing the ancient art of cormorant fishing from a pleasure boat ...

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It’s a bird…it’s a plane…

A resident of Akita City in northern Japan alerted authorities today to what appeared to be a small aircraft entangled i...

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World Cup cuisine fun

Kids in Tokyo had their fill of a so-called World Cup menu today.Their primary school in western Tokyo put together the ...

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China: Japanese planes approached within 30 meters

China has posted video of Japanese fighters on a government website along with a claim they flew abnormally close to one...

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Fukushima Update #38 “Short of answers”

The Japanese government needs to build a place to store waste from decontamination. Futaba and Okuma near the Fukushima ...

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Short of answers

The Japanese government needs to build a place to store waste from decontamination. Futaba and Okuma near the Fukushima ...

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Utility seeks Higashidori restart

Tohoku Electric Power Company has applied for safety inspections to restart reactor number one at the Higashidori nuclea...

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Easing radiation safety standards

The Japanese government is negotiating with municipalities in Fukushima to relax the radiation safety standards for deco...

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Government goes on health kick

Japan’s Economy Ministry today launched a project to encourage people to lose weight and get healthy.The project involve...

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