Capybara babies drawing crowds

 People in central Japan are oohing and aahing over a litter of newborn capybaras.Three of the furry critters were born ...

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Matsuzakaya eyes summer gifts to counteract tax hike

 A department store in central Japan is hoping to fight a slowdown in the wake of a tax hike.Japan’s sales tax was raise...

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Fukushima Update #37 “Restarts Trumping Contingency Plans”

The Sendai nuclear plant in southwestern Japan could become the first to restart under the new safety regulations, but l...

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Restarts Trumping Contingency Plans

The Sendai nuclear plant in southwestern Japan could become the first to restart under the new safety regulations, but l...

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Residents wary of waste storage facility

Government officials have briefed the residents of two municipalities in Fukushima about their plan to build a massive f...

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“ICE WALL” construction begins

Engineers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant have started a massive project to isolate the crippled reactors behind ...

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SoftBank debuts ‘emotional’ robot Pepper

 Japan’s tech giant SoftBank took the wraps of a new “emotional” robot today.CEO Masayoshi Son introduced the robot name...

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Bees swarm outside train station

 A strange site greeted commuters in southern Japan this morning.A swarm of honeybees found a comfortable spot to rest n...

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Dementia-related missing person cases on the rise

Police in Japan received over 10,000 dementia-related missing person reports last year. With the number of elderly risin...

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Japan, EU warn Russia on Ukraine

 Japan and the EU have agreed to tighten sanctions on Russia if the situation in Ukraine worsens.Japan’s Prime Minister ...

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