Amari says TPP agreement unlikely

Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy Akira Amari is saying that an agreement between Japan and America on the Trans-P...

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NEC touts new facial recognition screen lock

Japan’s NEC has a new way to protect computer users’ privacy.The new facial recognition software locks the screen when t...

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Abe makes offering to Yasukuni Shrine

[caption id="attachment_2106" align="alignnone" width="1920"] PM Abe's offering on display[/caption]Prime Minister Shinz...

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Chinese court impounds Japanese ship

A Chinese court impounded a ship owned by Japanese shipping giant Mitsui OSK.The company that later became Mitsui leased...

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Japan record trade deficit

Trade statistics for the last fiscal year show Japan posted a record deficit due to a weak yen and energy imports.Offici...

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Abductee relative urges UN to take action

The brother of a Japanese woman abducted by North Korea has urged the UN Security Council to take action.Teruaki Masumot...

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Abe and Biden pledge to push free trade talks

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and US Vice President Joe Biden have agreed to work closely to find common ground on ...

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Japan-US free trade talks stalled

Negotiations on a multilateral free trade agreement between Japan and the United States remained stalled on Thursday.Eco...

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Fukushima Update #31 “Viable Nuclear Energy Alternatives?”

The Japanese government passed a new energy policy that keeps nuclear energy as a main source. It also supports the deve...

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Viable Nuclear Energy Alternatives?

The Japanese government passed a new energy policy that keeps nuclear energy as a main source. It also supports the deve...

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