Twenty-ton tug-of-war

When Japanese people play tug-of-war, they don’t kid around.Residents of Daisen city in northern Japan's Akita Prefectur...

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Fukushima hotline opens

Exactly two years and 11 months since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, victims now have a free number to call with questi...

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Giant Valentine’s Day chocolate

How big is your love?With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, some ambitious chefs in Japan have unveiled a giant Va...

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Koizumi still committed to zero nuclear policy

Flamboyant former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi says he’ll carry on with his campaign for a zero-nuclear Japan despit...

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Tokyo election eases way for nuclear restarts

The election of a ruling party candidate to the post of Tokyo governor last weekend is easing the way for Japan to resta...

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Sandal of the gods

Exactly how large are the feet of gods?For people in Japan, the answer could be about 12 meters long.People in the city ...

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Current account surplus smallest ever

Japan received some worrying economic news on Monday.The nation’s current account surplus for 2013 was the smallest in h...

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Cold cops build endurance

Here’s an idea for police officers who want to get fit: how about practicing karate while standing knee-deep in the ocea...

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Tokyo girds for heavy snow

In Tokyo, a major snowstorm is turning the city white as forecasters project the heaviest snowfall in decades.A powerful...

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Ospreys miss Japan-US quake drill

The Japanese and US militaries are conducting a large-scale earthquake drill off Japan, but without the presence of a co...

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