Helicopters airlift trucks as protesters block road
Japanese defense helicopters airlift trucks to a helipad being built for the US military as protesters block roads in Ok...
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Japan to honor wrestler Kaori Icho for Olympic golds
Japan will give the People's Honor Award to Kaori Icho for winning gold medals in woman's wrestling at four consecutive ...
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Japan faces nuclear turning point
Japan faces another turning point in its nuclear power policy as it considers scrapping its Monju breeder reactor.
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Early fall mikan head to market
Farmers harvest the fall's first mandarin oranges in western Japan.
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Steam locomotive to power tourism
A railway is enlisting the help of a classic steam-powered locomotive to draw back tourists to an area ravaged by floodi...
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Imperial train attracts hordes
A rare opportunity to see the Imperial train used by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko draws crowds in northern Japan.
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North may have nuclear warhead technology: Suga
Japan's top spokesman says it's possible North Korea has the technology to load a nuclear weapon on a ballistic missile....
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Council urges stiffer penalties for sex crimes
An advisory council to the Justice Ministry recommends revising the penal code for the first time in nearly a century wi...
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