SDF PKO in South Sudan may see change

SDF PKO in South Sudan may see change

Tokyo decided that it will extend the Self Defense Force's peacekeeping operations in South Sudan until March 2017. If a...

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Japan says goodbye to Prince Mikasa

Japan says goodbye to Prince Mikasa

Dignitaries and people from all walks of life attend Prince Mikasa's funeral.

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Tokyo 2020 review group undecided on venues

Tokyo 2020 review group undecided on venues

A four-party group reviewing the 2020 Tokyo Olympics remains undecided over plans to scrap some new venues over costs.

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Winter arrives early in northern Japan

Winter arrives early in northern Japan

Winter arrives early in northern Japan with a blast of snow.

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Samurai parade in Hakone

Samurai parade in Hakone

Over 170 people got in samurai costumes to march in the annual "Hakone Daimyo Gyoretsu" parade.

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New security duties for Japan's Self Defense Forces

New security duties for Japan's Self Defense Forces

The Japanese government has decided to assign the Self Defense Forces in South Sudan new security duties to protect othe...

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World Cup for street performers in Japan

World Cup for street performers in Japan

A World Cup for street performers is being held in Shizuoka, Japan.

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Abe meets Suu Kyi, pledges $8b for Myanmar

Abe meets Suu Kyi, pledges $8b for Myanmar

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledges $8b for Myanmar in meeting with Aun San Suu Kyi.

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Advanced weather satellite heads to space

Advanced weather satellite heads to space

A rocket carrying Japan's latest weather observation satellite launches from Tanegashima Space Center in southwest Japan...

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School lunch canceled over soaring veg prices

School lunch canceled over soaring veg prices

Soaring vegetable prices force a city in central Japan to cancel school lunch for two days this winter.

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