Labor shortage triggers New Year closures at Ootoya
Major Japanese restaurant chain Ootoya will close half its stores over the New Year's due to a lack of workers.
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Safety fix begins at Toyosu site
Remedial safety work begins at the new site for Tokyo's famous fish market, where toxins were found underground.
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Panda fever heats up with Xiang Xiang sneak preview
The giant panda cub Xiang Xiang is shown to the media and select guests as panda fever grips Tokyo.
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US military apologizes for fallen window
A senior US Marine Corps official apologizes for a window from a helicopter falling on the playground of an Okinawan ele...
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Prosecutors raid construction giants
Tokyo prosecutors raid the offices of construction giants Kajima and Shimizu corporations over suspicions of bid-rigging...
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Winter freezes Tokyo
A cold snap delivers winter chills to Tokyo, sending the mercury below zero and bringing unseasonably cold temperatures ...
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Art prodigy battles mental illness
A young art prodigy battles Asperger syndrome and schizophrenia.
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'Tis the season for New Year postcards
'Tis almost the season as post offices nationwide start accepting nengajo New Year postcards for delivery January 1.
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Japan slaps more sanctions on North Korea
Japan decides to freeze the assets of 19 additional North Korean organizations in a bid to exert more pressure on Pyongy...
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Robots could help ease labor shortage
A robot expo in Tokyo features intelligent walkers, muscle suits and other health-care devices that could help ease Japa...
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