Jongdari brings more rain as temperatures soar

Jongdari brings more rain as temperatures soar

Typhoon Jongdari has slowed down but deadly heat wave continues to smother the nation.

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Flood-hit university resumes classes

Flood-hit university resumes classes

A flood-hit university in Hiroshima restarts classes.

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Japan vows to reduce plutonium stockpiles

Japan vows to reduce plutonium stockpiles

Japan vows to reduce its 47 tons of plutonium stockpile.

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Kyoto University to treat Parkinson's with stem cells

Kyoto University to treat Parkinson's with stem cells

Researchers at Kyoto University announce they will begin clinical trials treating Parkinson's disease with iPS cells.

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Kanai says ISS trip

Kanai says ISS trip "routine"

Japanese astronaut Norishige Kanai returns to earth after a six-month stint on the International Space Station and calls...

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Jongdari Honshu damage minimal, rain continues in Kyushu

Jongdari Honshu damage minimal, rain continues in Kyushu

Typhoon Jongdari does minimal damage on Honshu this weekend. Rescue workers resume searching for missing people and repa...

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Students bring first electric train to Tokushima

Students bring first electric train to Tokushima

A group of students at Tokushima University in western Japan are working to bring the first electric railroad to the are...

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Okinawa governor again tries to block Futenma relocation

Okinawa governor again tries to block Futenma relocation

Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga makes another attempt at stopping the relocation of US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma.

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4,000 race up Mt. Fuji

4,000 race up Mt. Fuji

4,091 people enter an annual race to see who can run to the top of Mt. Fuji the fastest.

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Typhoon Jongdari threatens Japan

Typhoon Jongdari threatens Japan

Typhoon Jongdari heads for Japan, threatening further damage to flood-ravaged regions in western Japan and disrupting a ...

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