Waterfall festival beats the heat
Men take a portable shrine for a dip in a waterfall in an ancient summer rite in Akita Prefecture, northern Japan.
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Maiko brave 98 degree heat on Hassaku holiday
Maiko in full dress and makeup visit their teachers in 98 degree heat to observe a traditional holiday.
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Japan-Russia summit ends with mixed results
Japanese and Russian foreign and defense minister meet in Moscow, saying they will cooperate on North Korean denucleariz...
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Govt. starts new anti-terror unit for 2020 Olympics
Japan's government creates a new team to prevent terrorism with an eye toward the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
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Jongdari brings more rain as temperatures soar
Typhoon Jongdari has slowed down but deadly heat wave continues to smother the nation.
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Flood-hit university resumes classes
A flood-hit university in Hiroshima restarts classes.
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Japan vows to reduce plutonium stockpiles
Japan vows to reduce its 47 tons of plutonium stockpile.
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Kyoto University to treat Parkinson's with stem cells
Researchers at Kyoto University announce they will begin clinical trials treating Parkinson's disease with iPS cells.
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Kanai says ISS trip "routine"
Japanese astronaut Norishige Kanai returns to earth after a six-month stint on the International Space Station and calls...
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Jongdari Honshu damage minimal, rain continues in Kyushu
Typhoon Jongdari does minimal damage on Honshu this weekend. Rescue workers resume searching for missing people and repa...
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