Mayor's Tesla triggers backlash

Mayor's Tesla triggers backlash

Taxpayers in a Tokyo suburb are angry at government officials for deciding to use high-end Tesla electric cars for offic...

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US Marine arrested for strangling woman

US Marine arrested for strangling woman

A U.S. marine is arrested for strangling a female Self-Defense Force officer in Tokyo until she was unconscious and leav...

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Self-driving bus test on Tokyo roads

Self-driving bus test on Tokyo roads

Softbank subsidiary SB tests a self-driving bus with no steering wheel on public roads in Tokyo.

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Japanese royals visit Finland

Japanese royals visit Finland

Japanese Crown Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko visit Finland to commemorate 100 years of diplomatic relations between ...

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A unique facility in Tokyo allows people to destroy whatever is in the room.

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New EVs for elderly

New EVs for elderly

Elderly people test drive new types of electric vehicles being developed amid increasing traffic accidents involving sen...

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Tokyo Olympic main stadium 90% finished

Tokyo Olympic main stadium 90% finished

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics main stadium is 90% complete, one year before the games begin.

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Total solar eclipse in Chile

Total solar eclipse in Chile

A total solar eclipse observed in Chile fascinates stargazers around the world.

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Tokyo 2020 rowing/canoeing venue completed

Tokyo 2020 rowing/canoeing venue completed

Take a glimpse at the rowing and canoe venue for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

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100 years of Japan-Poland relations

100 years of Japan-Poland relations

Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko are in Warsaw to commemorate 100 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Polan...

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