2020 Games main stadium completed

2020 Games main stadium completed

Construction of the main stadium for next year's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics is completed.

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Matsuya's new lucky bags

Matsuya's new lucky bags

Matsuya Ginza department store plans to offer games and other promotions with its New Year lucky bags to draw online sho...

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Princess Aiko turns 18

Princess Aiko turns 18

Japan's Princess Aiko, the daughter of Emperor Naruhito, celebrates her 18th birthday.

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Japan mulls sending SDF vehicles to Middle East

Japan mulls sending SDF vehicles to Middle East

Japan's government could send 2 SDF vehicles to the Middle East to collect information amid concern over pushing the lim...

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Fukushima Daiichi melted fuel removal to begin in 2021

Fukushima Daiichi melted fuel removal to begin in 2021

Japan's government and TEPCO set a date to begin removing melted nuclear fuel from reactor unit 2 at the Fukushima Daiic...

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From unused resource to tourist draw

From unused resource to tourist draw

Wakkanai in Hokkaido makes a beautiful road from wasted scallop shells while artists in Osaka make art on blank walls ar...

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