Touchless train travel in the works
JR East is developing a system that enables passengers to pass through ticket gates without the hassle of taking out or ...
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Japanese chemist Yoshino gives Nobel lecture
Japanese Nobel laureate Akira Yoshino gives a lecture on lithium-ion batteries in Stockholm.
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Prince Hisahito and Princess Kako attend speech contest
Prince Hisahito and his sister Princess Kako attend a speech contest for young people in Tokyo, their first official dut...
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Empress Masako turns 56
Japan's Empress Masako celebrates her 56th birthday, her first since becoming empress earlier this year.
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Dr. Tetsu Nakamura's body returns home to Fukuoka
The body of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura is returned to his hometown, Fukuoka, after he was killed in an attack in Afghanistan las...
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Ceremony honors 78th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack
A ceremony marks the 78th anniversary of the Japanese Imperial Army's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that pulled the Un...
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