Pants for girls

Pants for girls

Schools across Japan are starting to allow female students to opt for pants.

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Japan is the unhappiest it's ever been

Japan is the unhappiest it's ever been

The World Happiness Report shows Japan is the unhappiest it's ever been.

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Tokyo Olympic torch unveiled

Tokyo Olympic torch unveiled

The Tokyo Olympic torch is unveiled just one year before it arrives in Japan from Greece.

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JAXA probe finds water on Ryugu

JAXA probe finds water on Ryugu

Japan's Hayabusa 2 probe reveals the existence of water on asteroid Ryugu.

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Cheap eats giant Matsuya to enter Russian market

Cheap eats giant Matsuya to enter Russian market

Cheap eats giant Matsuya is to open its first store in Russia as early as next month.

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Tokyo marks 24th anniversary of gas attack

Tokyo marks 24th anniversary of gas attack

Tokyo marks the 24th anniversary of the deadly Tokyo subway sarin gas attack.

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700 foreign students AWOL from college in Tokyo

700 foreign students AWOL from college in Tokyo

The government will be investigating a university where 700 foreign students have been out of contact.

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Dead dugong washes ashore

Dead dugong washes ashore

A dead dugong washes ashore in Okinawa, southwest Japan.

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Local land prices rebound

Local land prices rebound

Regional land prices in Japan post the first increase in 27 years.

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Osaka subway shows wrong English translations

Osaka subway shows wrong English translations

Osaka Metro shows mistaken translations on its English website.

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