Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force unveils minesweeping training exercise

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force unveiled on June 22 its offshore minesweeping training exercise.


The training began on June 17 in the vicinity of Iwo To, part of Tokyo’s Ogasawara Islands.


To make it less likely for the mines to react, personnel boarded special boats made of wood and plastic. 


They conducted training exercises by passing cables and devices emitting sonic waves near the mines, intentionally detonating them to safely remove them.


S/ Captain Noma Toshihide, Commander of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force 1st Minesweeper Division: I believe that having our formidable mine warfare unit serves as a deterrent, making it futile for anyone to lay mines in Japanese waters.

The annual training, involving the U.S. Navy and other participants, is scheduled to continue until June 29.