Business leaders express expectations on new LDP leader Ishiba

S/ Kobayashi Ken, chairman, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry:

It is a time when we need a shift in every aspect, including creating a virtuous economic cycle, wage increases, energy policies, and social security. We would like to work together with the new president to move forward.

Kobayashi Ken, chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, praised the new LDP president Ishiba Shigeru as a knowledgeable policymaker who has addressed various challenges head-on. 

He also expressed hope for policies that support small and medium-sized enterprises in local areas and revitalize regional economies.

Tokura Masakazu, chairman of Keidanren, also known as the Japan Business Federation, said that in an era filled with challenges both domestically and internationally, Ishiba is the right leader to drive forward transformation, and he has high expectations for Ishiba’s leadership abilities.

On the other hand, Niinami Takeshi, chairperson of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives, remarked that this leadership election should have been a crucial step towards restoring the public’s trust in politics.

However, he pointed out that it did not dispel the distrust towards the LDP, particularly regarding political funding issues.

Niinami expressed hope that the new LDP leader Ishiba will demonstrate leadership in resolving the issue of money in politics.