SMILE-UP. to pay assault victims within next few months: CCO exclusive interview

One year ago, on May 14, then-president of Johnny & Associates Fujishima Julie Keiko admitted to the sexual assaults by former president Kitagawa Johnny and apologized.

Since then, the talent agency divided into two entities, Starto Entertainment, to handle former Johnny & Associates acts, and Smile-Up., which oversees payments to victims.

The head of compliance at SMILE-UP., CCO Yamada Masayuki, gave an independent interview for the first time to Nippon TV, and talked about compensation for victims.

Yamada Masayuki, SMILE-UP. Chief Compliance Officer: In the near future, we hope to be able to show our stance on all those who have made claims for compensation, but it won't necessarily take years, but rather within a few months. We would like to proceed to the point where we have made a round of full payments to those who have made claims.

Regarding the strengthening of governance of the company, which was called for by external experts…

Yamada Masayuki, SMILE-UP. Chief Compliance Officer: The board of directors meets on a regular basis, so naturally important matters for the company are resolved there, and the status of compensation is also reported there, so information is shared, and it is clear how decisions are made. At the very least, I don't think that anything is decided solely by Julie (Fujishima Julie Keiko).

While Fujishima indicated last year that she would step down as representative director from all affiliated companies, she is still “chairperson” at four group companies.

Fujishima isn’t involved in the management of the companies and has said that she will step down after deciding on their successor, but she is still paid an executive salary.

Fujishima is also a shareholder in some group companies, but SMILE-UP. did not clarify whether she would remain one in the future, saying that it was under consideration.