Emperor and family vacation in Tochigi, north of Tokyo


Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and their daughter Princess Aiko are taking summer vacation in Tochigi Prefecture, north of Tokyo.

After arriving at the Nasu Imperial Villa on September 12, they took a stroll and made remarks to reporters.

S/ Emperor Naruhito / I am happy that all three of us were able to come to Nasu again this year.

S/ Empress Masako / I accompanied the emperor here last month as well, and I am thankful that we were able to spend some relaxing time. This time, Aiko was able to come with us, so we hope the three of us will find enjoyment that is unique to Nasu and spend fun and relaxing time.

S/ Princess Aiko / I am happy that the whole family was able to come to Nasu again this year. I want to cherish the experiences and joys that we can go through only in Nasu and enjoy nature.

This is the first full-fledged vacation for Aiko since she graduated from school and started working this spring.

The imperial family is scheduled to stay at the villa for several days.