As Empress Emerita Michiko turns 90, emperor and family visit for celebrations

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and their daughter Princess Aiko visited Empress Emerita Michiko for her 90th birthday celebrations on October 20.

They were driven from the Imperial Palace to the nearby Akasaka Estate where the retired empress lives with Emperor Emeritus Akihito.

Earlier in the month, Michiko fell at her residence and underwent surgery for a fractured right thighbone.

She was discharged from the hospital on October 13.

The occasion of her birthday was the first time for the emperor, empress and other members of the imperial family to see Michiko following her surgery.

Officials said the former empress has been moving around in a wheelchair at home.

She has also been undergoing rehabilitation for more than an hour each day, including walking while holding on to things.

The officials said she and her husband continue reading books aloud after breakfast.