No abnormality detected a month after Nankai Trough megaquake emergency info

On August 8, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued its first-ever emergency information warning people about the possibility of a large Nankai Trough earthquake after a magnitude 7.1 temblor struck Hyuga-nada sea off Miyazaki Prefecture in southwestern Japan that day.

On September 6, the agency released related analysis results and said no unusual changes have been observed in areas assumed to be the possible epicenter of the next Nankai Trough megaquake.  

According to the agency, 29 earthquakes of intensity 1 or higher on Japan’s seismic intensity scale of up to 7 occurred in the assumed epicenter areas for the giant earthquake. 

However, the activity has subsided over time, and the agency’s Nankai Trough earthquake evaluation and review panel compiled a report saying that no unusual seismic activity or crustal deformation has been observed since the release of the temporary megaquake warning. 

Nevertheless, the possibility of earthquakes remains high, and the panel urges the public to continue to take daily precautions against earthquakes.