Hong Kong activists say China is repressing Chinese abroad

Hong Kong pro-democracy activists living in exile in Europe said China is intensifying repression on Chinese people abroad.

Three activists including Finn Lau and Ray Wong spoke at a press conference in Tokyo on June 20.

They are wanted by Hong Kong authorities on suspicion of violating the national security law.

The trio said the Chinese Communist Party is monitoring and harassing Chinese nationals who have fled overseas.

S/ Simon Cheng, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist / Additional measures have been imposed by CCP. The head of the security also mentioned our passport could be revoked.

He said China is using secret police to reinforce its surveillance of pro-democracy activists based abroad.

Cheng spoke about his experience of being monitored by someone believed to be a Chinese official when he was eating out.

He urged the Japanese government to take a strong stance against China's political persecution.

The activists warned that China is expanding its influence overseas through actions such as providing funds to local governments, companies and educational institutions in other countries.