Meteorological Agency issues heavy rain warnings for Shizuoka Prefecture

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a warning on August 27 that a linear precipitation zone may develop in Shizuoka Prefecture.

The warning comes amid the atmosphere being unstable due to the approach of Typhoon Shanshan, also known as Typhoon No. 10 in Japanese.

Shizuoka Prefecture has been hit by localized downpours daily, with extremely heavy rainfall of 50 mm per hour in the early hours of the 27th in Hamamatsu.

Due to the continuous rain, a landslide occurred in Hamamatsu on August 26, involving one warehouse, but there were no injuries nor damage to private homes reported.

City officials have issued evacuation instructions for four households and seven people in the area.

The JMA also announced that a linear precipitation zone may occur in Shizuoka Prefecture again on the morning of the 27th, and that the risk of heavy rainfall disasters may increase rapidly.

It also issued a heavy rainfall warning for both north and south Enshu west of the Oi River, and a flood warning for south Enshu, urging people to continue to be vigilant.

In addition, the Tokaido Shinkansen was suspended on some sections between Hamamatsu and Toyohashi stations on the morning of August 26.

The suspensions were due to rainfall reaching regulation limits, but all lines resumed operations after 9:00AM.