Emperor and empress visit space museum in Gifu, central Japan


Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako visited the Gifu-Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum in central Japan on October 15.

The imperial couple observed a small satellite being built with the involvement of local high school students and whose launch is targeted for February 2025.

The imperial couple also listened to Japanese astronaut Yamazaki Naoko explain how new technologies developed through space exploration are being utilized in daily life.

They spoke in front of a model of Japan's experimental module "Kibo" that is part of the International Space Station.

Officials said that when the empress asked Yamazaki what sparked her interest in space, she responded that she used to gaze through telescopes as a child.

The emperor then remarked that he and his family have also looked through telescopes to see beautiful sights like that of Saturn.

The city of Kakamigahara in Gifu Prefecture is known for its contributions to space development.

The couple returned to Tokyo on the night of October 15.