Princess Kako speaks in Greek sign language

Princess Kako of Akishino, second daughter of Crown Prince Fumihito, visited a facility for people with hearing impairments and spoke in Greek Sign Language during her official visit to Greece.

On May 29, the princess greeted them by Greek Sign Language, “I’m happy to be here. I’m glad to meet you all.”

S/ Princess Kako: Thank you for letting me visit here. Nice to meet you.

She visited the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, which provides vocational training and life support for people with hearing impairments.

S/ August 2023 Princess Kako is actively working as a part-time contract employee of the Japanese Federation of the Deaf and uses sign language on a daily basis.

S/ Athens, Greece May 29  She observed a sign language class and learned the local sign language.

S/ Interpreter: This is the gesture for What is your name?

S/ Local newspapers of May 28   Princess Kako’s official visit to Greece has been featured on the front page of local newspapers and is garnering attention.

When she met with Japanese people living in Greece, she asked each person different questions.

S/ Woman: 50 years have passed since I came to Greece.

S/ Princess Kako: 50 years? Is there anything in particular that you remember most?

S/ Kendo instructor: Teaching kendo to people from other countries can be difficult, but it is also very rewarding.

S/ Princess Kako: What are some examples of the difficulties and rewards you just mentioned?

Princess Kako interacted with many people and always had a smile on her face.

Later on May 29, she visited the island of Corfu in northwestern Greece and toured the old town, which is a World Heritage Site.